I first started selling real estate in 2001 with Pacesetter Properties. I've been in Austin since 1988 when it was a very different city than it is today. After 20 years with Pacesetter I decided it was time to get my broker's license and start my own company... Starlit Properties. I'm a top ranking agent and work primarily by referrals. I believe my strength in an industry that is over saturated with agents comes from having a lot of experience yet being willing to change with the times.

I have a "Realtor for life" philosophy, which means that I strive to be your go-to professional for anything real estate related whether that be helping choose paint colors, protesting taxes, or simply providing the name and number of tradesmen | can recommend. I will always treat your family, friends and co workers as if they were my own and greatly appreciate your business and referrals.


Over 350 homes sold, will yours be next?

Buyer's Guide

Most first time, and seasoned, home-buyers start their home-buying process anxious, excited, nervous, and sometimes downright terrified. This is only natural. A home is the largest and most expensive purchase that most people will make in a lifetime, and it is important to get it right.

Seller's Guide

Deciding to sell your property demands a serious consideration of your current financial situation and future possibilities. With the help of our qualified agents, you will be able to effectively assess the cumulative impact of these changes, estimate potential proceeds of selling your property, and plan effective tax savings and estate planning strategies. We will ensure that you not only take control of your finances, but use them to their fullest potential.

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Thinking of Selling Your Home?

Listing your home for the wrong price can cost you thousands. Get an accurate estimate from a professional REALTOR®.